Register at Pilates.com or call: 1-877-PILATES (1-877-745-2837)
Click here for more complete info about the program, class times, etc.
Pilates Teacher Training 2025
Mat Training is limited to 8 students. Equipment Training is limited to 6 students.
Location: Body Mechanics — 2512 SE 35th Place, Portland, OR 97202
Find all the dates and details at Pilates.com
I have been doing Pilates Teacher Training for 25 years. I love it and am good at it. I keep the classes small allowing for maximum personal attention and a more personalized learning environment. If you are interested in the training, please click on the Balanced Body logo to review the details of the programs. Then contact me so we can discuss it in person: info@shellystephenson.com
Movement Principals February 28-March 2nd
Friday 3/8/2024 1:15-6:15
Saturday 3/9/2024 11 am-6pm
Sunday 3/10/2024 11:30am-4pm
Early Registration is $550
The foundation of our education program, Movement Principles shows how to recognize, improve and teach fundamental movement.
Movement Principles is a program requirement for our Pilates Instructor Training.
This course is designed for both new and experienced instructors to refine their understanding of the body in motion. It provides the foundational knowledge necessary for you to understand fundamental movement and become a truly transformative instructor.
Mat 1 March 21-23
Mat 2 April 11-13
Mat 3 May2-4
Anatomy in 3 Dimensions TBD
Reformer 1 TBD
Reformer 2 TBD
Reformer 3 TBD

COMING IN 2025…..
For the experienced Pilates professional working with clients with imbalances and injuries
Featuring recorded and live courses, Advanced Movement Principles will uplevel your skills in seeing, understanding, and improving movement patterns. Program graduates will be recognized as Balanced Body Advanced Movement Practitioners.

Anatomy in 3D
Introduction to Musculoskeletal Anatomy

Learn or review the basics of musculoskeletal anatomy by building muscles in clay on a specially designed mini skeleton called a Maniken®. (Yes, this is as cool as it sounds!)
In this workshop we review the essentials of musculoskeletal anatomy by building the body layer by layer using the Anatomy Trains as our guide. We will also use self palpation, video from dissection, and movement exercises.
BBU Anatomy is specifically geared toward Pilates and all other movement teachers and includes practical exercises on the functions of the muscles and joints allowing you to embody the information more effectively.
Learn more about Tom Myers’ Anatomy Trains at: AnatomyTrains.com
All Workshops Take place in REAL life, no internet connection needed!! Masks may be worn in studio.
Register at Pilates.com or call: 1-877-PILATES (1-877-745-2837)
Click here for more complete info about the program, class times, etc.
Workshops customized for your group’s needs also available.
Shelly Stephenson
Schedule Online Here
Call 503–780–2621
Body Mechanics
2512 SE 35th Place
Portland, OR 97202